Catalogue de la bibliothèque
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Détail de l'auteur
Auteur Pierre KROPOTKINE
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur (1196 )
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/ Robinson [France] : La Révolte et Temps Nouveaux (1922)
Exemplaires (1)
Rf 003-12 Imprimé Bibliothèque Prêt réservé Exclu du prêt
/ London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart (2005)
Anarchist Studies [texte imprimé] /
Sharif GEMIE ;
Pierre KROPOTKINE (1842-1921) ;
Luigi GALLEANI (1861-1931) ;
John CRUMP (1944-2005) . -
London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart , 2005 . - pp. 101-191 : couv. ill. ; 22 cm.
Langues : Anglais (
eng )
Catégories :
Résumé :
Power: Some anthropological perspectives / Harold Barclay
'Israeli Anarchism - Being Young, Queer and Radical in the Promised Land: An interview with Yossi / Aaron Lakoff
Tribute to John Crump / Hlène Bower Raddeker, Carl Levy
Paradigm Crash, Paradigm Shift / Thomas S. Martin
Political Violence and Morality in Anarchist Theory and Practice: Luigi Galleani and Peter Kropotkin in Comparative Perspective / Niall Whelehan
The ABC of Brinton / David Goodway (ed)
For Workers' Power: The selected writings of Maurice Brinton / Benjamin Franks
Candace Falk, Barry Pateman and Jessica Moran (eds) Emma Goldman: a documentary history of the American years, Volume 1 / Reviewed by John Patten
Lily Litvak El Cuento Anarquista (1880-1911) / Reviewed by Maggie Torres
The Dawn Collective Under the Yoke of the State: Selected Anarchist Responses to Prisons and Crime; An 'Uncontrollable' of the Iron Column A Day Mournful and Overcast / Reviewed by Terry Hopton
Tom Mertes (ed) A Movement of Movements: is another world really possible? / Reviewed by John Carter
Elisée Reclus A Voyage to New Orleans: Anarchist Impressions of the Old South / Reviewed by Sharif Gemie
News from Nowhere (eds) We are Everywhere: the irresistible rise of global anticapitalism / Reviewed by Tom Cahill
Permalink :
Titre :
Anarchist Studies
Type de document :
texte imprimé
Auteurs :
Sharif GEMIE ; Pierre KROPOTKINE (1842-1921) ; Luigi GALLEANI (1861-1931) ; John CRUMP (1944-2005)
Editeur :
London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart
Année de publication :
Importance :
pp. 101-191
Présentation :
couv. ill.
Format :
22 cm
Langues :
Anglais (eng )
Catégories :
Résumé :
Power: Some anthropological perspectives / Harold Barclay
'Israeli Anarchism - Being Young, Queer and Radical in the Promised Land: An interview with Yossi / Aaron Lakoff
Tribute to John Crump / Hlène Bower Raddeker, Carl Levy
Paradigm Crash, Paradigm Shift / Thomas S. Martin
Political Violence and Morality in Anarchist Theory and Practice: Luigi Galleani and Peter Kropotkin in Comparative Perspective / Niall Whelehan
The ABC of Brinton / David Goodway (ed)
For Workers' Power: The selected writings of Maurice Brinton / Benjamin Franks
Candace Falk, Barry Pateman and Jessica Moran (eds) Emma Goldman: a documentary history of the American years, Volume 1 / Reviewed by John Patten
Lily Litvak El Cuento Anarquista (1880-1911) / Reviewed by Maggie Torres
The Dawn Collective Under the Yoke of the State: Selected Anarchist Responses to Prisons and Crime; An 'Uncontrollable' of the Iron Column A Day Mournful and Overcast / Reviewed by Terry Hopton
Tom Mertes (ed) A Movement of Movements: is another world really possible? / Reviewed by John Carter
Elisée Reclus A Voyage to New Orleans: Anarchist Impressions of the Old South / Reviewed by Sharif Gemie
News from Nowhere (eds) We are Everywhere: the irresistible rise of global anticapitalism / Reviewed by Tom Cahill
Permalink :
Exemplaires (1)
Ra 22-13-2 Imprimé Bibliothèque Prêt réservé Exclu du prêt
/ London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart (2011)
Anarchist Studies [texte imprimé] /
Ruth KINNA ;
Pierre KROPOTKINE (1842-1921) ;
Herbert READ (1893-1968) ;
David GOODWAY . -
London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart , 2011 . - 126 p. : couv. ill. ; 24 cm.
Langues : Anglais (
eng )
Catégories :
Résumé :
- Anarcha-feminist process and publishing in Ireland: The RAG Collective / Debi Withers with the RAG collective
- The DIY post-punk post-situationist politics of CrimethInc. / Sandra Jeppesen
- Kropotkin: evolution, revolutionary change and the end of history / Matthew S. Adams
- Herbert Read, organicism, abstraction and an anarchist aesthetic / David Goodway
- David Goodway critiques Herbert Read / Allan Antliff
- Judith Suissa, Anarchism and Education: A Philosophical Perspective / Reviewed by Abraham DeLeon
- Chris Ealham, Anarchism and the City: Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Barcelona, 1898-1937 / reviewed by Sharif Gemie
- Iain McKay, An Anarchist FAQ, Volume 1 / Reviewed by Benjamin Franks
- Saul Newman, The Politics of Postanarchism / Reviewed by Benjamin Franks
- Harold Barclay, Fresh Alternatives / Reviewed by Robert Graham
- Pat Devine, Democracy and Economic Planning: The Political Economy of a Self-Governing Society / Reviewed by Iain MacKay
- Maurizio Atzeni, Workplace Conflict: Mobilization and Solidarity in Argentina / Reviewed by Chuck Morse
- The Invisible Committee, The Coming Insurrection / Reviewed by Iain McKay
Permalink :
Titre :
Anarchist Studies
Type de document :
texte imprimé
Auteurs :
Ruth KINNA ; Pierre KROPOTKINE (1842-1921) ; Herbert READ (1893-1968) ; David GOODWAY
Editeur :
London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart
Année de publication :
Importance :
126 p.
Présentation :
couv. ill.
Format :
24 cm
Langues :
Anglais (eng )
Catégories :
Résumé :
- Anarcha-feminist process and publishing in Ireland: The RAG Collective / Debi Withers with the RAG collective
- The DIY post-punk post-situationist politics of CrimethInc. / Sandra Jeppesen
- Kropotkin: evolution, revolutionary change and the end of history / Matthew S. Adams
- Herbert Read, organicism, abstraction and an anarchist aesthetic / David Goodway
- David Goodway critiques Herbert Read / Allan Antliff
- Judith Suissa, Anarchism and Education: A Philosophical Perspective / Reviewed by Abraham DeLeon
- Chris Ealham, Anarchism and the City: Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Barcelona, 1898-1937 / reviewed by Sharif Gemie
- Iain McKay, An Anarchist FAQ, Volume 1 / Reviewed by Benjamin Franks
- Saul Newman, The Politics of Postanarchism / Reviewed by Benjamin Franks
- Harold Barclay, Fresh Alternatives / Reviewed by Robert Graham
- Pat Devine, Democracy and Economic Planning: The Political Economy of a Self-Governing Society / Reviewed by Iain MacKay
- Maurizio Atzeni, Workplace Conflict: Mobilization and Solidarity in Argentina / Reviewed by Chuck Morse
- The Invisible Committee, The Coming Insurrection / Reviewed by Iain McKay
Permalink :
Exemplaires (1)
Ra 22-19-1 Imprimé Bibliothèque Prêt réservé Exclu du prêt
/ London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart (2011)
/ London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart (2021)
/ London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart (2022)
/ Robinson [France] : La Révolte et Temps Nouveaux (1925)
/ Robinson [France] : La Révolte et Temps Nouveaux (1928)
/ London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart (2001)
/ London [UK] : Freedom Press (1988)
/ Paris [France] : Temps Nouveaux (1914)
/ Paris [France] : La Brochure mensuelle (1930 ca)
/ Paris [France] : Groupe de propagande par la brochure (1925)
/ Roanne [France] : Horvath (1984)
/ Paris [France] : Nada (2019)
/ Lugano [Suisse] : La Baronata (2021)
/ Paris [France] : Les Nuits rouges (2017)
/ Milano [Italia] : Avanti (1920)
/ Paris [France] : La Révolte (1893)
/ London [UK] : Liberty Press (1896)
/ Ragusa [Italia] : La Fiaccola (1997)
/ Milano [Italia] : Federazione comunista libertaria lombarda (1945)
/ Milano [Italia] : Flaminio Fantuzzi (1893)
/ West Hoboken, N.J. [USA] : un gruppo di anarchici (1899)
/ Roma [Italia] : Fede
Centre International de Recherches sur l'Anarchisme