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/ London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart (2008)
Anarchist Studies [texte imprimé] /
Ruth KINNA ;
Herbert READ (1893-1968) ;
Lev TOLSTOJ (1828-1910) . -
London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart , 2008 . - 96 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.
Langues : Anglais (
eng )
Catégories :
Résumé :
Open Form and the Abstract Imperative: Herbert Read and Contemporary Anarchist Art / Allan Antliff
Leo Tolstoy on the State: A Detailed Picture of Tolstoy's Denunciation of State Violence and Deception / Alexandre J. M. E. Christoyannopoulos
Beyond Primitivism: Towards a twenty-first century Anarchist Theory and Praxis for Science and Technology / Charles Thorpe and Ian Welsh
Communalism or caricature: patterns of Bookchin critique / Andy Price
Uri Gordon, Anarchy Alive! Anti-Authoritarian Politics from Practice to Theory / Reviewed by Alex Prichard
Colectivo Solidario, El anarcosindicalismo español. Una historia en imagenes / Reviewed by Chris Ealham
Michel Pigenet and Pierre Robin (eds.), Victor, Emile, Georges, Fernand et les autres …Regards sur le syndicalisme révolutionnaire / Reviewed by Constance Bantman
The Kate Sharpley Library / Reviewed by David Goodway
Permalink :
Titre :
Anarchist Studies
Type de document :
texte imprimé
Auteurs :
Ruth KINNA ; Herbert READ (1893-1968) ; Lev TOLSTOJ (1828-1910)
Editeur :
London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart
Année de publication :
Importance :
96 p.
Présentation :
Format :
22 cm
Langues :
Anglais (eng )
Catégories :
Résumé :
Open Form and the Abstract Imperative: Herbert Read and Contemporary Anarchist Art / Allan Antliff
Leo Tolstoy on the State: A Detailed Picture of Tolstoy's Denunciation of State Violence and Deception / Alexandre J. M. E. Christoyannopoulos
Beyond Primitivism: Towards a twenty-first century Anarchist Theory and Praxis for Science and Technology / Charles Thorpe and Ian Welsh
Communalism or caricature: patterns of Bookchin critique / Andy Price
Uri Gordon, Anarchy Alive! Anti-Authoritarian Politics from Practice to Theory / Reviewed by Alex Prichard
Colectivo Solidario, El anarcosindicalismo español. Una historia en imagenes / Reviewed by Chris Ealham
Michel Pigenet and Pierre Robin (eds.), Victor, Emile, Georges, Fernand et les autres …Regards sur le syndicalisme révolutionnaire / Reviewed by Constance Bantman
The Kate Sharpley Library / Reviewed by David Goodway
Permalink :
Exemplaires (1)
Ra 22-16-1 Imprimé Bibliothèque Prêt réservé Exclu du prêt
/ London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart (2008)
Anarchist Studies [texte imprimé] /
Ruth KINNA ;
Alain BADIOU ;
Jacques RANCIERE . -
London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart , 2008 . - pp. 100-192 : couv. ill. ; 22 cm.
Langues : Anglais (
eng )
Catégories :
Résumé :
Through a Glass Darkly: Alain Badiou's critique of anarchism / Benjamin Noys
Equality Among the Refugees: A Rancièrean view of Montréal's Sans-Status Algerians / Todd May
Postanarchism and Meta-Ethics / Benjamin Franks
A is for Anarchy, V is for Vendetta: Images of Guy Fawkes and the Creation of Postmodern Anarchism / Lewis Call
Democracy, anarchism and radical politics today: An interview with Jacques Rancière / Todd May, Benjamin Noys & Saul Newman, translated by John Lechte
Benjamin Franks, Rebel Alliances: The Means and Ends of Contemporary British Anarchisms / Reviewed by Laurence Davis
David Goodway, Anarchist Seeds Beneath the Snow: Left-Libertarian Thought and British Writers from William Morris to Colin Ward / Reviewed by Judy Greenway
Nick Henck, Subcommander Marcos: the Man and the Mask / Reviewed by Sharif Gemie
Permalink :
Titre :
Anarchist Studies
Type de document :
texte imprimé
Auteurs :
Ruth KINNA ; Alain BADIOU ; Jacques RANCIERE
Editeur :
London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart
Année de publication :
Importance :
pp. 100-192
Présentation :
couv. ill.
Format :
22 cm
Langues :
Anglais (eng )
Catégories :
Résumé :
Through a Glass Darkly: Alain Badiou's critique of anarchism / Benjamin Noys
Equality Among the Refugees: A Rancièrean view of Montréal's Sans-Status Algerians / Todd May
Postanarchism and Meta-Ethics / Benjamin Franks
A is for Anarchy, V is for Vendetta: Images of Guy Fawkes and the Creation of Postmodern Anarchism / Lewis Call
Democracy, anarchism and radical politics today: An interview with Jacques Rancière / Todd May, Benjamin Noys & Saul Newman, translated by John Lechte
Benjamin Franks, Rebel Alliances: The Means and Ends of Contemporary British Anarchisms / Reviewed by Laurence Davis
David Goodway, Anarchist Seeds Beneath the Snow: Left-Libertarian Thought and British Writers from William Morris to Colin Ward / Reviewed by Judy Greenway
Nick Henck, Subcommander Marcos: the Man and the Mask / Reviewed by Sharif Gemie
Permalink :
Exemplaires (1)
Ra 22-16-2 Imprimé Bibliothèque Prêt réservé Exclu du prêt
/ London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart (2009)
Anarchist Studies [texte imprimé] /
Ruth KINNA ;
Murray BOOKCHIN (1921-2006) . -
London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart , 2009 . - 126 p. : couv. ill. ; 24 cm.
Langues : Anglais (
eng )
Catégories :
Résumé :
Facts on the ground / Lucy and Uri Gordon
The aftermaths of the war on Gaza / Osama Abu-Irshaid
'We wish you a merry crisis and a happy new Fear': a postscript from the December riots in Athens / Christos Iliopoulos
Of money, heresy, and surrender (Part I): The ways of our system, an outline, from Bretton Woods to the financial slump of 2008 / Guido Giacomo Preparata
(Tory) anarchy in the UK: the very peculiar practice of tory anarchism / Peter Wilkin
'Love is always free': anarchism, free unions, and utopianism in Edwardian England / Ginger Frost
The political legacy of Murray Bookchin / Brian Morris
Sex bombs: anticipating a free society / Judy Greenway
Abel Paz, Durruti in the Spanish Revolution / Reviewed by Chris Ealham
James Herod, Getting Free: Creating an Association of Democratic Autonomous Neighborhoods / Reviewed by Uri Gordon
Staughton Lynd & Andrej Grubacic, Wobblies & Zapatistas: Conversations on Anarchism, Marxism and Radical History / Reviewed by Nathan Jun
Paul McLaughlin, Anarchism and Authority: A Philosophical Introduction to Classical Anarchism / Reviewed by Sam Clark
Saul Newman, Unstable Universalities: Poststructuralism and Radical Politics / Reviewed by Lewis Call
Peter Marshall, Demanding the Impossible. A History of Anarchism / Reviewed by Dave Berry to top
Permalink :
Titre :
Anarchist Studies
Type de document :
texte imprimé
Auteurs :
Ruth KINNA ; Murray BOOKCHIN (1921-2006)
Editeur :
London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart
Année de publication :
Importance :
126 p.
Présentation :
couv. ill.
Format :
24 cm
Langues :
Anglais (eng )
Catégories :
Résumé :
Facts on the ground / Lucy and Uri Gordon
The aftermaths of the war on Gaza / Osama Abu-Irshaid
'We wish you a merry crisis and a happy new Fear': a postscript from the December riots in Athens / Christos Iliopoulos
Of money, heresy, and surrender (Part I): The ways of our system, an outline, from Bretton Woods to the financial slump of 2008 / Guido Giacomo Preparata
(Tory) anarchy in the UK: the very peculiar practice of tory anarchism / Peter Wilkin
'Love is always free': anarchism, free unions, and utopianism in Edwardian England / Ginger Frost
The political legacy of Murray Bookchin / Brian Morris
Sex bombs: anticipating a free society / Judy Greenway
Abel Paz, Durruti in the Spanish Revolution / Reviewed by Chris Ealham
James Herod, Getting Free: Creating an Association of Democratic Autonomous Neighborhoods / Reviewed by Uri Gordon
Staughton Lynd & Andrej Grubacic, Wobblies & Zapatistas: Conversations on Anarchism, Marxism and Radical History / Reviewed by Nathan Jun
Paul McLaughlin, Anarchism and Authority: A Philosophical Introduction to Classical Anarchism / Reviewed by Sam Clark
Saul Newman, Unstable Universalities: Poststructuralism and Radical Politics / Reviewed by Lewis Call
Peter Marshall, Demanding the Impossible. A History of Anarchism / Reviewed by Dave Berry to top
Permalink :
Exemplaires (1)
Ra 22-17-1 Imprimé Bibliothèque Prêt réservé Exclu du prêt
/ London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart (2009)
Anarchist Studies [texte imprimé] /
Ruth KINNA ;
Emma GOLDMAN (1869-1940) ;
Friedrich NIETZSCHE (1844-1900) ;
José PEIRATS VALLS (1908-1989) . -
London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart , 2009 . - 128 p. : couv. ill. ; 24 cm.
Langues : Anglais (
eng )
Catégories :
ESPAGNE:Histoire:1936-1939 ; SYNDICALISME
Résumé :
Guest editorial / Paul Chambers and Notty LaPorte
The syndicalist encounter with Bolshevism / Reiner Tosstorff (translated by Norry LaPorte)
Syndicalism and the influence of anarchism in France, Italy and Spain / Ralph Darlington
Herald of the future? Emma Goldman, Friedrich Nietzsche and the anarchist as superman / Kevin Morgan
The 'Herodotus of the CNT': José Peirats and La CNT en la revolución española / Chris Ealha
Searching for an anarchist sociology / Dana Williams
Anarchist theory and the pitfalls of the reductio ad politicum / Nathan Jun
Chris Carlsson, Nowtopia: How pirate programmers, outlaw bicyclists and vacant lot gardeners are inventing the future today! / Reviewed by Lucy Sargisson
Stuart Christie, We, the Anarchists! A Study of the Iberian Anarchist Federation (FAI) 1927-1937 / Reviewed by Richard Cleminson
V.V. Damye, A Forgotten International: The International Anarcho-Syndicalist Movement Between the Wars - Volumes 1 and 2 / Reviewed by Dmitri I. Roublev (transl Julia Goussev)
Félix Fénéon, Novels in Three Lines Reviewed by Judy Greenway
Keith Flett (ed.), 1956 and All That / Reviewed by David Goodway
Wayne Price, The Abolition of the State: Anarchist and Marxist Perspectives / Reviewed by Saku Pinta
Mastaneh Shah-Shuja, Zones of Proletarian Development / Reviewed by John Cromby
Nicolas Walter (ed. David Goodway), The Anarchist Past and Other Essays / Reviewed by Keith Hodgson
Damian F. White, Bookchin: A Critical Appraisal / Reviewed by Saku Pinta
Permalink :
Titre :
Anarchist Studies
Type de document :
texte imprimé
Auteurs :
Ruth KINNA ; Emma GOLDMAN (1869-1940) ; Friedrich NIETZSCHE (1844-1900) ; José PEIRATS VALLS (1908-1989)
Editeur :
London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart
Année de publication :
Importance :
128 p.
Présentation :
couv. ill.
Format :
24 cm
Langues :
Anglais (eng )
Catégories :
ESPAGNE:Histoire:1936-1939 ; SYNDICALISME
Résumé :
Guest editorial / Paul Chambers and Notty LaPorte
The syndicalist encounter with Bolshevism / Reiner Tosstorff (translated by Norry LaPorte)
Syndicalism and the influence of anarchism in France, Italy and Spain / Ralph Darlington
Herald of the future? Emma Goldman, Friedrich Nietzsche and the anarchist as superman / Kevin Morgan
The 'Herodotus of the CNT': José Peirats and La CNT en la revolución española / Chris Ealha
Searching for an anarchist sociology / Dana Williams
Anarchist theory and the pitfalls of the reductio ad politicum / Nathan Jun
Chris Carlsson, Nowtopia: How pirate programmers, outlaw bicyclists and vacant lot gardeners are inventing the future today! / Reviewed by Lucy Sargisson
Stuart Christie, We, the Anarchists! A Study of the Iberian Anarchist Federation (FAI) 1927-1937 / Reviewed by Richard Cleminson
V.V. Damye, A Forgotten International: The International Anarcho-Syndicalist Movement Between the Wars - Volumes 1 and 2 / Reviewed by Dmitri I. Roublev (transl Julia Goussev)
Félix Fénéon, Novels in Three Lines Reviewed by Judy Greenway
Keith Flett (ed.), 1956 and All That / Reviewed by David Goodway
Wayne Price, The Abolition of the State: Anarchist and Marxist Perspectives / Reviewed by Saku Pinta
Mastaneh Shah-Shuja, Zones of Proletarian Development / Reviewed by John Cromby
Nicolas Walter (ed. David Goodway), The Anarchist Past and Other Essays / Reviewed by Keith Hodgson
Damian F. White, Bookchin: A Critical Appraisal / Reviewed by Saku Pinta
Permalink :
Exemplaires (1)
Ra 22-17-2 Imprimé Bibliothèque Prêt réservé Exclu du prêt
/ London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart (2010)
Anarchist Studies [texte imprimé] /
Ruth KINNA ;
Hugo BALL (1886-1927) ;
Colin WARD (1924-2010) . -
London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart , 2010 . - 124 p. : couv. ill. ; 24 cm.
Langues : Anglais (
eng )
Catégories :
Résumé :
Of Money, Heresy, and Surrender, Part II: A Plea for a Regional and Perishable Currency / Guido Giacomo Preparata
Anarchism and the politics of affinity groups / Francis Dupuis-Déri
Social Anarchism or Lifestyle Anarchism: An Unhelpful Dichotomy / Laurence Davis
Poetic Licence: Hugo Ball, the Anarchist Avant-garde, and Us / Roger Farr
Anarchy: past and present / Jeffrey D. Hilmer
Giorel Curran, 21st Century Dissent: Anarchism, Anti-Globalisation and Environmentalism / Reviewed by Matt Wilson
Sylvère Lotringer and Christian Marazzi (eds), Autonomia: Post-Political Politics / Reviewed by Andrew Robinson
Bob Torres, Making A Killing: The Political Economy of Animal Rights / Reviewed by Adam Draper
Michael Schmidt and Lucien van der Walt, Black Flame: The Revolutionary Class Politics of Anarchism and Syndicalism / Reviewed by Spencer Sunshine
Black Flame and the broad anarchist tradition: a reply to Spencer Sunshine / Lucien van der Walt
Richard Porton (ed.), Anarchist Film and Video, Arena No. 1 / Reviewed by Martin O'Shaughnessy
Gordon Carr (dir), The Angry Brigade: The Spectacular Rise and Fall of Britain's First Urban Guerrilla Group / Reviewed by Lucy Robinson
Colin Ward (1924-2010) / David Goodway
Permalink :
Titre :
Anarchist Studies
Type de document :
texte imprimé
Auteurs :
Ruth KINNA ; Hugo BALL (1886-1927) ; Colin WARD (1924-2010)
Editeur :
London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart
Année de publication :
Importance :
124 p.
Présentation :
couv. ill.
Format :
24 cm
Langues :
Anglais (eng )
Catégories :
Résumé :
Of Money, Heresy, and Surrender, Part II: A Plea for a Regional and Perishable Currency / Guido Giacomo Preparata
Anarchism and the politics of affinity groups / Francis Dupuis-Déri
Social Anarchism or Lifestyle Anarchism: An Unhelpful Dichotomy / Laurence Davis
Poetic Licence: Hugo Ball, the Anarchist Avant-garde, and Us / Roger Farr
Anarchy: past and present / Jeffrey D. Hilmer
Giorel Curran, 21st Century Dissent: Anarchism, Anti-Globalisation and Environmentalism / Reviewed by Matt Wilson
Sylvère Lotringer and Christian Marazzi (eds), Autonomia: Post-Political Politics / Reviewed by Andrew Robinson
Bob Torres, Making A Killing: The Political Economy of Animal Rights / Reviewed by Adam Draper
Michael Schmidt and Lucien van der Walt, Black Flame: The Revolutionary Class Politics of Anarchism and Syndicalism / Reviewed by Spencer Sunshine
Black Flame and the broad anarchist tradition: a reply to Spencer Sunshine / Lucien van der Walt
Richard Porton (ed.), Anarchist Film and Video, Arena No. 1 / Reviewed by Martin O'Shaughnessy
Gordon Carr (dir), The Angry Brigade: The Spectacular Rise and Fall of Britain's First Urban Guerrilla Group / Reviewed by Lucy Robinson
Colin Ward (1924-2010) / David Goodway
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Exemplaires (1)
Rf 22-18-1 Imprimé Bibliothèque Prêt réservé Exclu du prêt
/ London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart (2010)
/ London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart (2011)
/ London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart (2011)
/ London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart (2012)
/ London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart (2012)
/ London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart (2013)
/ London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart (2013)
/ London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart (2014)
/ London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart (2014)
/ London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart (2015)
/ London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart (2015)
/ London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart (2016)
/ London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart (2016)
/ London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart (2017)
/ London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart (2017)
/ London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart (2018)
/ London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart (2018)
/ London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart (2019)
/ London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart (2019)
/ London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart (2020)
Centre International de Recherches sur l'Anarchisme